例句 |
maleadjective of, relating to, or marked by qualities traditionally associated with menthe radio program offers both male and female perspectives on many common relationship issues man-size(or man-sized), manlike, manly, mannish, masculine, virile hairy-chested, hypermasculine, macho, ultramasculineboyish, hoydenish, tomboyishAmazonian, butch unmanly, unmasculine metrosexual, unmachoeffeminate, girlish, sissified, sissyfeminine, womanish, womanlike, womanlyemasculated, impotent, weakenedandrogynous, neuter malenounan adult male human beingresearch shows that more males than females are responding positively to the new ad campaign bastard, bloke(chiefly British), buck, cat, chap(chiefly British), chappie(British), dude, fella, fellow, galoot(slang), gent, gentleman, guy, hombre, jack, joe, joker, lad, man master, mister, sirbuddy, buster in the 14th century |