例句 |
malefactionnoun a breaking of a moral or legal codethe town treasurer has been linked to the kickback scheme and other financial malefactions breach, crime, debt, error, lawbreaking, misdeed, misdoing, offense(or offence), sin, transgression, trespass, violation, wrongdoing bias crime, hate crimefelony, misconduct, misdemeanor, misfeasancefault, foible, peccadillobreak, infringementimmorality, iniquitousness, iniquity, sinfulness, vice, wickednesscorruption, debauchery, depravity, licentiousnessabuse, criminality, illegality, lawlessness, unlawfulnessdescent, downfall, fall noncrime blamelessness, faultlessness, guiltlessness, impeccability, innocence, irreproachabilitygoodness, morality, righteousness, virtue, virtuousness in the 15th century |