例句 |
aperturesnounpl. of aperture a place in a surface allowing passage into or through a thingyou can adjust the aperture on this camera's lens by pushing this button holes, openings, orifices, perforations loopholesbreaches, breaks, chinks, clefts, cracks, crannies, crevices, cuts, fissures, gashes, notches, rents, rifts, ruptures, slashes, slits, splits, tearsslots, spacesexits, mouths, outlets, pores, ventsentrances, inlets, intakespinholes, pinpricks, punches, puncturesairholes, armholes, buttonholes, keyholes, knotholes, peepholes, potholes, wormholes fillers, fillings, fills, patches, plugs, seals, stoppersbarriers, blockages, obstacles, obstructions |