例句 |
apexesnounor apicespl. of apex the highest part or pointshe reached the apex of fame, only to find it wasn't what she expected acmes, apogees, capstones, climaxes, crescendos(also crescendoes or crescendi), crests, crowns, culminations, heads, heights, high noons, high-water marks, meridians, ne plus ultras, noons, noontimes, peaks, pinnacles, summits, sums, tip-tops, tops, zeniths blooms, blossoms, flood tides, flowers, glories, heydays, primescaps, ceilings, roofsextremes, extremities, tips, vertices(also vertexes)highlights, highs, highspots bottoms, nadirs, rock bottoms abysses, bases, feet(also foot)minima(or minimums) the last and usually sharp or tapering part of something long and narrowthe apex of the spear cusps, ends, nibs, noses, pike(or pikes), points, tips pinpointsprongs, tinesbarbs, jags, prickles, snags, spikes, stickers |