例句 |
apprenticesnounpl. of apprentice a person who helps a more skilled persondecided to be an apprentice to an electrician after he graduated adjuncts, adjutants, aides, aids, assistants, coadjutors, deputies, helpers, helpmates, helpmeets, lieutenants, mates, sidekicks attendants, handmaidens(also handmaids), maids, maidservants, scullions, servantsauxiliaries, legmen, subordinates, underlingsemployees(also employes), hands, help, hirelings, laborers, swampers, workersgal Fridays, girl Fridaysman Fridays, right handsaides-de-camp a person who is just starting out in a field of activityaware that she's only an apprentice in the medical field, she readily defers to her more experienced colleagues abecedarians, babes, beginners, colts, cubs, fledglings, freshmen, greenhorns, neophytes, newbies, newcomers, novices, novitiates, punks, recruits, rookies, rooks, tenderfeet(also tenderfoots), tyros, virgins bootsamateurs, dabblers, dilettantes(or dilettanti)learners, students, traineescandidates, entrants, probationers old hands, old-timers, veterans, vets experts, masters, professionals, pros |