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approachesnounpl. of approach an established course for traveling from one place to anotherwill take the standard landing approach from the south avenues, passages, paths, routes, ways bypaths, byways, lanes, laneways(British)arteries, boulevards, bypasses, drives, expressways, freeways, high roads, highways, passageways, passes, pike(or pikes), roads, roadways, routeways(chiefly British), rows, streets, thoroughfares, turnpikeswalks, walkwaystraces, tracks, trailsairwaysbikeways, cycleways(British)channels, gats, watercourses, waterwaysdoors, doorways, gates, gateways, hatches, portals the means or procedure for doing somethingthat's a different approach to knitting, but it seems to work fashions, forms, hows, manners, methodologies, methods, recipes, strategies, styles, systems, tacks, tactics, techniques, ways modes, modi operandiblueprints, designs, game plans, games, ground plans, intrigues, layouts, lines, models, plans, plots, programs, routes, schemesexpedients, moves, shifts, stepspractices(also practises), processes, routinespolicies approachesverbpresent tense third-person singular of approachto come near or nearerthe parade's approaching! I can hear the band playing! bellies up, closes, closes in, comes up, draws on, nears, nighs arrives, attains, comes, gains, hits, lands, makes, reaches, shows up, turns up, waltzes (up)creeps up, sneaks upadjoins, borders, touches, verges backs (up or away), recedes, retires, retreats, withdraws clears out, departs, exits, goes, leaves, lights out, pulls out, quits, removes, runs away, shoves (off), takes off, walks out to move closer toapproach the bull with caution advances, comes, nears, nighs drops in, enters, pops (in) goes, recedes (from), retreats, withdraws departs, exits, leaves to come near or nearer to in character or qualityhis store-bought dessert doesn't even approach your homemade version of it approximates, compares (with), measures up (to), stacks up (against or with) adds up (to), amounts (to), comes (to)duplicates, equals, matchesmirrors, parallels, reflectsborders (on), touches (on), verges (on) holds a candle to |