例句 |
approbationnoun an acceptance of something as satisfactorythat plan has the approbation of the school board approval, blessing, favor, imprimatur, OK(or okay) backing, cachet, endorsement(also indorsement), finalization, formalization, homologation, nod, ratification, rubber stamp, sanction, support, thumbs-up, votebenediction, goodwillacceptation, accession, agreement, assent, concurrence, consentcountenance, liking, satisfaction clean bill of health, pat on the back disapprobation, disapproval, disfavor refusal, rejection, repudiationdislike, dissatisfactioncensure, condemnation, criticism, denunciation, deprecation, depreciation, disparagement, opprobrium, reprehension, reproach, reprobation in the 14th century |