例句 |
evolveverb to gradually become clearer or more detailedas the governor's plans for the reform of state government evolved, objections from various groups inevitably arose develop, elaborate, unfold advance, fare, forge, get along, get on, march, proceed, progressblossom, grow, mature, ripenmaterializeemerge, play out to throw or give offbaking soda and citric acid react with each other and evolve carbon dioxide cast, discharge, emanate, emit, exhale, expel, expire(archaic), give out, irradiate, issue, radiate, release, send (out), shoot, throw out, vent eliminate, evacuate, excrete, exude, ooze, secreteeject, erupt, gush, jet, outpour, pour, spew, spout, spray, spurt, squirt absorb, inhale, soak (up), sponge, suck (up), take up in 1772 |