例句 |
exaltverb to assign a high status or value topopular support and media hype have exalted Super Bowl Sunday to the level of a national holiday aggrandize, canonize, deify, dignify, elevate, ennoble, enshrine, ensky, enthrone, glorify, magnify boost, lift, promote, raise, upgrade, upliftheighten, intensifyidealize, romanticize, sanitize, sugarcoatacclaim, extol(also extoll), honor, laud, praise abase, degrade, demean, humble, humiliate belittle, decry, depreciate, detract, disparage, minimize to proclaim the glory ofmonstrous, gaudy gambling palaces that seem to exalt the very notion of excess bless, carol, celebrate, emblazon, extol(also extoll), glorify, hymn, laud, magnify, praise, resound adore, belaud, deify, idolize, worshipacclaim, applaud, commend, compliment, hail, renown, salutechant, cheer, eulogize, rhapsodizeciteflattercrack up, recommend, tout blame, censure, reprehend, reprobatecriticize, reproveadmonish, chide, keelhaul, rebuke, reprimand, reproachcastigate, lambaste(or lambast) in the 15th century |