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exaltedverbpast tense of exalt to assign a high status or value topopular support and media hype have exalted Super Bowl Sunday to the level of a national holiday aggrandized, canonized, deified, dignified, elevated, ennobled, enshrined, enskied, enthroned, glorified, magnified boosted, lifted, promoted, raised, upgraded, upliftedheightened, intensifiedidealized, romanticized, sanitized, sugarcoatedacclaimed, extolled, honored, lauded, praised abased, degraded, demeaned, humbled, humiliated belittled, decried, depreciated, detracted, disparaged, minimized to proclaim the glory ofmonstrous, gaudy gambling palaces that seem to exalt the very notion of excess blessed(also blest), caroled(or carolled), celebrated, emblazoned, extolled, glorified, hymned, lauded, magnified, praised, resounded adored, belauded, deified, idolized, worshipped(also worshiped)acclaimed, applauded, commended, complimented, hailed, renowned, salutedchanted, cheered, eulogized, rhapsodizedcitedflatteredcracked up, recommended, touted blamed, censured, reprehended, reprobatedcriticized, reprovedadmonished, chid(or chided), keelhauled, rebuked, reprimanded, reproachedcastigated, lambasted ca. 1616 |