例句 |
execratesverbpresent tense third-person singular of execrate to declare to be morally wrong or evilleaders from around the world execrated the terrorists responsible for the bomb blast anathematizes, censures, condemns, damns, decries, denounces, reprehends, reprobates attacks, blames, blasts, criticizes, dispraises, disses(slang), faults, knocks, pans, slamsbelittles, deprecates, disparagesdooms, sentencesconvictsblacklists, excommunicates, ostracizescastigates, chastises, rebukes, reprimands, reproachesadmonishes, chides, reprovesberates, lambastes(or lambasts), rakes, scolds, upbraids, vituperatescurses, imprecatesabhors, abominates, detests, hates, loathes, reviles blesses approves, endorses(also indorses), sanctionseulogizes, exalts, extols(also extolls), glorifies, lauds, praisesacclaims, applauds, commends, hails, salutes, toutsconsecrates, hallows, sanctifieshonors, reveres, venerates to dislike stronglyexecrates without apology anyone who would physically abuse children or animals abhors, abominates, despises, detests, hates, loathes deplores, deprecates, disapproves (of), discountenances, disdains, disfavors, scorns has it in for loves desires, fancies, favors, likes, prefersenjoys, relishesadmires, adores, approves (of), esteems, hallows, idolizes, reveres, venerates, worshipscherishes, prizes, treasures |