例句 |
mantlesnounpl. of mantle a sleeveless garment worn so as to hang over the shoulders, arms, and backa long black velvet mantle capes, capotes, cloaks, frocks, manteaus burnooses(or burnouses), capelets, capuchins, cowls, dominoes(or dominos), josephs, mantas, mantelets, mantillas, palatines, pelerines, pelisses, ponchos, roquelaures, tippetsserapes(or sarapes), shawls, stoles, wraps something that covers or conceals like a piece of cloththe mantle of secrecy that surrounds the operations of the organization's hierarchy blankets, cloaks, copes, coverings, covers, covertures, cover-ups, curtains, hoods, masks, palls, penumbrae(or penumbras), robes, shrouds, veils, wraps blinds, concealers, screens, shieldsfig leafs(or fig leaves), Potemkin villages, Trojan horsescamouflages, disguises, facades(also façades), faces, masks, veneersglosses, varnishes mantlesverbpresent tense third-person singular of mantleto surround or cover closelyearly-morning fog mantled the fields along the river bosoms, bowers, circumfuses, cocoons, embosoms, embowers, embraces, encloses(also incloses), encompasses, enfolds, enshrouds, enswathes, envelops, enwraps, invests, involves, laps, muffles, shrouds, swathes, veils, wraps curtains, drapesembeds(also imbeds), encasesswaddlesblankets, overlays, overspreadscamouflages, cloaks, disguises, maskscircles, encircles, enlaces, enwinds bares, denudes, exposes, strips |