例句 |
marginsnounpl. of margin the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of somethingthe margins of the paper should only be an inch wide borderlines, borders, boundaries, bounds, brims, circumferences, compasses, confines, edges, edgings, ends, frames, fringes, hems, perimeters, peripheries, rims, skirtings, skirts, verges ambitsbrinks, crests, curbs, cusps, lipsceilings, maxima(or maximums)demarcations, extents, limitations, measures, meres, restrictions, terminationsborderlands, frontiers, marches, outskirts, pales, selvageslapsshores centers, cores, heartsinners, insides, interiors, middles, withins marginsverbpresent tense third-person singular of marginto serve as a border forthe riverbed is margined by a flat beach of smooth rocks borders, bounds, edges, frames, fringes, rims, skirts hems, trimscircumscribes, defines, delineates, demarcates, outlines, silhouettes, sketches, tracescircles, compasses, encircles, encloses(also incloses), environs, girdles, girths, loops, rings, rounds, surrounds, wallschecks, confines, controls, curbs, limits, restrains, restricts |