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baynoun1 one of the parts into which an enclosed space is dividedthe garage has three separate bays for cars cabin, cell, chamber, compartment, cube, cubicle cubbyhole, pigeonhole, snuggery(chiefly British)alcove, niche, nook, recesscabinet, drawer, lockercavity, hole, hollowbooth, box, crib, loge, stallbunker, crypt, vault baynoun2a part of a body of water that extends beyond the general shorelinethe bay is a favorite cruising ground for weekend yachtsmen arm, bight, cove, creek(chiefly British), embayment, estuary, firth, fjord(also fiord), gulf, inlet, loch(Scottish) harbor, port, road(s), roadsteadnarrow, sound, straitbayoubackwater, slough(also slew or slue) baynoun3public acknowledgment or admiration for an achievementhe wrote for his own personal satisfaction, not for any bays that the literary establishment might deign to bestow acclaim, accolade, applause, credit, distinction, glory, homage, honor, kudos, laud, laurels, props(slang), réclame, sun celebrity, fame, renown, reputecompliment, encomium, eulogy, panegyric, toast, tributeacclamation, ovation, plaudit, praise, rave, rhapsodycitation, commendation, kudo, note, recommendationelevation, enshrinement, enthronement, exaltation, glorification bayverbto speak so as to be heard at a distancethe mob was baying for revenge bawl, bellow, call, cry, holler, hollo(or halloo also hallo), roar, shout, sound off, thunder, vociferate, yell crow, whoopscream, screech, shriek, shrill, squeak, squealcaterwaul, howl, ululate, wail, yawp(or yaup), yowlhailspeak out, speak up breathe, mumble, murmur, mutter, whisper to make a long loud mournful soundthe lonesome beagle bayed whenever someone walked by howl, keen, ululate, wail, yowl bawl, caterwaul, scream, screech, shriek, shrill, squall, squeal, yawp(or yaup), yell, yelp in the 14th century |