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beatingnoun a rhythmic expanding and contractinghe wears a pacemaker to help maintain a regular beating of his heart beat, palpitation, pulsation, pulse, throb fluctuation, oscillation, vibrationquiver, tremble, tremor failure to win a contesttook a beating and ended up in second place defeat, drubbing, licking, loss, lump, overthrow, plastering, rout, shellacking, trimming, trouncing, whipping collapse, debacle(also débâcle), failure, fiasco, fizzle, flop, nonsuccess, setback, upsetlurch, shutout, washout, whitewash success, triumph, victory, win accomplishment, achievementblowout, cakewalk, landslide, romp, runaway, sweep, walkaway, walkover beatingverbpresent participle of beatto strike repeatedlythey attacked and beat him, but fortunately he'll be fine bashing, basting, battering, batting, belaboring, belting, birching, bludgeoning, buffeting, bunging up, clubbing, currying, doing, drubbing, fibbing(British), flogging, hammering, hiding, lacing, lambasting, lashing, lathering, licking, mauling, messing (up), paddling, pelting, pommeling(or pommelling), pounding, pummeling(also pummelling), punching out, roughing (up), slating, slogging, switching, tanning, thrashing, threshing, thumping, tromping, walloping, whaling, whipping, whopping(or whapping), whupping, working over assailing, assaulting, attacking, besetting, boxing, busting, chopping, clobbering, clouting, cracking, cudgeling(or cudgelling), cuffing, descending (on or upon), hitting, jumping (on), knocking, lamming, laying on, pasting, pouncing (on or upon), punching, raiding, rushing, slamming, slapping, smacking, smashing, socking, spanking, storming, swatting, swiping, thwacking, whacking, whamming, whompingblackjacking, caning, cowhiding, flagellating, fustigating, horsewhipping, leathering, pistol-whipping, rawhiding, scourging, strappinggoring, lacerating, woundingmaiming, mangling, mutilating beating up on to achieve a victory overshe always beats everyone at checkers, but she's not as good at chess besting, conquering, defeating, dispatching, doing down(British), getting, getting around, licking, mastering, overbearing, overcoming, overmatching, prevailing (over), skunking, stopping, subduing, surmounting, taking, trimming, triumphing (over), upending, winning (against), worsting sweepingedging (out), nosing out, pipping(British)annihilating, blowing away, blowing out, bombing, breaking, burying, clobbering, creaming, crushing, drubbing, finishing, flattening, overwhelming, routing, shellacking, skinning, slaughtering, smoking(slang), snowing under, thrashing, trouncing, upsetting, walloping, waxing(slang), whippingcapping, excelling, flourishing, scoring, succeedingknocking off, knocking over, overpowering, overthrowing, subjugating, unseating, vanquishingacing (out), bettering, eclipsing, exceeding, excelling, outdistancing, outdoing, outfighting, outshining, outstripping, overtopping, surpassing, topping, transcending getting the better of, knocking for a loop losing (to) falling, giving up, going down, going undercollapsing, failing, flopping, flunking, folding, washing out to be greater, better, or stronger thanthis new animated feature sure beats everything else that's ever been done in animation bettering, eclipsing, exceeding, excelling, outclassing, outdistancing, outdoing, outgunning, outmatching, outshining, outstripping, overtopping, surpassing, topping, towering (over), transcending one-upping, outpacing, outracing, outrunning, overpassingbesting, clobbering, conquering, crushing, defeating, drubbing, licking, mastering, outcompeting, outperforming, overcoming, overmatching, prevailing (over), routing, shaming, skunking, subduing, surmounting, thrashing, trimming, triumphing (over), trouncing, walloping, whipping, winning (against), worstingoutbalancing, outweighing, overbearing, overshadowing, trumping going one better, running circles around(or running rings around) losing (to) to expand and contract in a rhythmic mannerthe patient's heart beats roughly 60 times per minute palpitating, pit-a-patting, pitter-pattering, pulsating, pulsing, throbbing fluctuating, oscillating, vibratingquivering, trembling to move or cause to move with a striking motionthe bird's wings beat strongly as it soared in the air flailing, flapping, flopping, fluttering, whipping banging, battering, buffeting, knocking, pounding, smacking, spanking, thumpingflickering, flicking, flittingfanning, oscillating, swaying, swingingundulating, wavingpalpitating, pulsing, throbbing to prevent from achieving a goalyou beat me to it baffling, balking, checkmating, discomfiting, foiling, frustrating, thwarting barring, blocking, clogging, encumbering, fettering, hampering, handicapping, hindering, hobbling, holding back, impeding, inhibiting, interfering (with), manacling, obstructing, shackling, trammeling(or trammelling), tying up(or tieing up)arresting, checking, halting, setting back, short-circuiting, stalling, stoppingaverting, forestalling, obviating, precluding, preventingnegating, neutralizing, nullifyingcounteracting, offsettingconquering, defeating, overcoming advancing, cultivating, encouraging, forwarding, fostering, furthering, nurturing, promoting abetting, aiding, assistingeasing, facilitating, smoothing to shape with a hammerthe medieval artisans who beat iron into exquisite swords drawing, forging, hammering, pounding chasing, planishingfashioning, forming, kneading, modeling(or modelling), molding, patting, workingcoining, minting, stampingabating, boasting, carving, chiseling(or chiselling), cutting, graving, hewing, knapping, sculpting, sculpturing to shine with a bright harsh lightthe tropical sun beat down on our heads without mercy blazing, burning, flaming, flaring, glaring beaming, glowing, radiatingflashing, glancing, gleaming, glimmering, glinting, glistening, glistering, glittering, scintillating, shimmering, sparkling, twinklingbedazzling, blinding, dazing, dazzling to strike or cause to strike lightly and usually rhythmicallybeat the drum in a marching rhythm drumming, rapping, tapping banging, bashing, batting, bonking, bopping, hammering, hitting, knocking, pasting, pounding, slamming, smacking, socking, striking, swatting, thudding, thumping, thwacking, walloping, whackingchinking, clattering, clinking, pingingpatting, pit-a-patting, pitter-patteringchucking, clapping, clicking, flicking, tipping to throw into a state of mental uncertaintyit beats me how that slipup happened addling, baffling, bamboozling, befogging, befuddling, bemusing, bewildering, buffaloing, confounding, confusing, discombobulating, disorienting, flummoxing, foxing, fuddling, getting, graveling(or gravelling), mazing, muddling, muddying, mystifying, perplexing, posing, puzzling, vexing sticking, stumping, weirding outabashing, discomfiting, disconcerting, discountenancing, embarrassing, fazing, flustering, mortifying, nonplussing(also nonplusing), rattlingagitating, bothering, chagrining, discomforting, discomposing, dismaying, disquieting, distressing, disturbing, perturbing, stunning, unhinging, unsettling, upsettingbeguiling, cozening, deceiving, deluding, duping, fooling, gulling, hoaxing, hoodwinking, humbugging, misguiding, misleading, snowing, stringing along, taking in, tricking blowing one's mind, going to one's head assuring, reassuring, satisfyingenlightening, informing to avoid having to comply with (something) especially through clevernesshe spends all of his time trying to beat the system bypassing, circumventing, dodging, getting around, shortcutting, sidestepping, skirting avoiding, ducking, eluding, end-running, escaping, eschewing, evading, outflanking, shaking, shirking, shunningdisobeying, disregarding, flouting, ignoringaverting, deflecting, diverting, obviating, parrying, preventing, warding (off) complying (with), following, keeping, obeying, observing acceding (to), acquiescing (to), assenting (to)accepting, courting, embracing, pursuing, seeking, welcomingcatching, contracting, incurring to reduce to fine particlesyears of pounding had beaten the pebbles to a fine dust atomizing, braying, comminuting, crushing, disintegrating, grinding, milling, mulling, pounding, powdering, pulverizing grating, kibblingcrumbling, crunchingbreaking, busting, dashing, fracturing, fragmentingshattering, smashing, splinteringmicronizing to rob by the use of trickery or threatsthe screenwriter has filed a lawsuit, accusing the production company of beating him out of his share of the film's net profits bilking, bleeding, cheating, chiseling(or chiselling), chousing, conning, cozening, defrauding, diddling, doing, doing in, euchring, fiddling, fleecing, flimflamming, gaffing, gypping, hosing(slang), hustling, mulcting, nobbling(British slang), plucking, reaming, ripping off, rooking, screwing, shaking down, shortchanging, shorting, skinning, skunking, squeezing, sticking, stiffing, stinging, suckering, swindling, thimblerigging, victimizing extorting, wrenching, wresting, wringingclipping, gouging, nicking, overcharging, soakingexploiting, milkingdeceiving, duping, fooling, gulling, trickingroping (in)betraying, bitching, double-crossingbamboozling, fast-talking selling a bill of goods to, taking for a ride, taking to the cleaners in the 13th century |