例句 |
touch (on or upon)verb to make reference to or speak about briefly but specificallyI do want to briefly touch upon the medieval view of the world before talking about Gothic architecture advert (to), cite, drop, instance, mention, name, note, notice, quote, refer (to), specify allude (to), hint (at), imply, indicate, infer, intend, intimate, suggestpoint (out), signal, signifydenominate, designateindicatebring up, broach, interject, interpolate, interpose, introduceinfiltrate, insinuate, wormadvertise, announce, broadcast, declare, proclaim, pronounce, publicize, publish, soundclarify, clear (up), elucidate, explain, explicate, spell out disregard, forget, ignore, neglect, overlook, overpass, pass over, slight |