例句 |
turn inverb to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duressturned in the banned assault rifle to the police cede, cough up, deliver, give up, hand over, lay down, relinquish, render, surrender, turn over, yield commit, consign, entrust(also intrust), transferforfeit, release, waiveabnegate, renounce, resignabandon, desert, discard, forsake, part (with), shed keep, retain, withhold to go to one's bed in order to sleepit's almost midnight, so it's time to turn in bed, crash(slang), doss (down)(chiefly British), retire bunk, perch, roost, settledoze, drop off, nap, nod, sleep, slumber, snoozecouch, lie (down), recline hit the hay(or hit the sack) arise, get up, rise, uprise arouse, awake, awaken, rouse, wake, wakenbestir, stirreawake, reawakenshift, stir in 1535 |