例句 |
tutorverb to cause to acquire knowledge or skill in some fieldtutored me in Spanish educate, indoctrinate, instruct, lesson, school, teach, train coach, mentordrill, fit, ground, habilitate, prepare, prime, qualifydirect, guide, lead, rearcatechize, lecture, moralize, preachimplant, inculcate, instill(also instil)homeschooledify, enlightenbrief, familiarize, impart (to), inform, verseinitiate, introduce, showreeducate, reschool, reteach, retrain to give advice and instruction to (someone) regarding the course or process to be followedbought a video series designed to tutor a person in the fine art of decorating cakes coach, counsel, guide, lead, mentor, pilot, shepherd, show godfatherdirect, engineer, steer, swayaccompany, attend, chaperone(or chaperon), convoy, escort, see, squireoversee, superintend, supervisedrill, trainbrief, enlighten, informinstruct, school, teachinculcate, indoctrinatecultivate, foster, nurture walk through in the 14th century |