

单词 twisting
例句 twistingadjective

marked by a long series of irregular curvesa twisting mountain road that requires extra careful driving

bending, crazy, crooked, curled, curling, curved, curving, curvy, devious, serpentine, sinuous, tortuous, twisted, winding, windy

zigzag, zigzaggingcircling, coiled, coiling, corkscrew, looping, spiral, spiraling(or spiralling), swirlingcircuitous, indirect, roundaboutmeandering, rambling, wanderingirregular, jagged, uneven

straight, straightaway

direct, linear


a forceful rotating or pulling motion for the purpose of dislodging somethingit took some twisting, but I finally got the top off the jar

twist, wrench, wrenching, wresting, wringing

draft, draw, extraction, pull, tug, yankdislocation, displacement

twistingverbpresent participle of twist

to change so much as to create a wrong impression or alter the meaning ofmy enemies will twist my words, but you'll only hear the truth out of me

bending, coloring, cooking, distorting, falsifying, fudging, garbling, misinterpreting, misrelating, misrepresenting, misstating, perverting, slanting, warping

misdescribing, misspeaking, mistranslatingbelying, camouflaging, disguising, dissembling, glossing (over), masking, veiling, whitewashingbowdlerizing, censoringcomplicating, confounding, confusing, mistaking, mixing (up)mystifying, obscuringequivocating, fibbing, lying, paltering, prevaricating

clarifying, clearing (up), explaining, illuminating, illustrating, interpreting, spelling outdeciphering

to follow a circular or spiral coursethe path gently twisted down the hill

coiling, corkscrewing, curling, entwining, spiraling(or spiralling), twining, winding

arching, arcing, bending, crooking, curving, hooking, sweeping, swerving, turning, veering, wheelingswirling, whirlingcircling, encircling, loopingenlacing, interlacing, intertwining, lacingbowing, bulgingmeandering, weaving, zigzagging


to move (something) in a curved or circular path on or as if on an axistwisted my wrist around to stretch it

pivoting, revolving, rolling, rotating, spinning, swinging, swirling, swiveling(or swivelling), turning, twirling, wheeling, whirling

screwing, unscrewingtwiddlingcoiling, cranking, reeling, windingcirculating

to move by or as if by a forceful rotationkept twisting the cap until it came free

wrenching, wresting, wringing

drawing, dredging (up), extracting, jerking, lugging, plucking, pulling, tugging, tweaking, yankingjimmying, levering, pryingbudging, dislocating, displacing, disturbing, removingshifting, transferring, transposing

to make jerky or restless movementsthe dental patient twisted nervously in the chair

fiddling, fidgeting, jerking, jigging, jiggling, squiggling, squirming, thrashing, threshing, tossing, twitching, wiggling, wriggling, writhing

flitting, fluttering, twitteringquaking, quivering, shaking, shivering, shuddering, tremblingpacing

relaxing, resting, unwindingcalming (down), stilling

to cause to twine about one anotherhas the habit of idly twisting the strands of her hair while daydreaming

enlacing, entwining, implicating(archaic), interlacing, intertwining, intertwisting, interweaving, inweaving, lacing, plying, weaving, wreathing, writhing

braiding, plaiting, platting, pleachingblending, fusing, joining, linking, mixing

disentangling, uncoiling, untangling, untwining, unwinding

ca. 1905





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