例句 |
missionersnounpl. of missioner a person who is sent especially to a foreign country to do religious work (such as converting people to the religion or ministering to the sick)The church has a program in which volunteers spend one year abroad as missioners. missionariesapostles, evangelists, proselytizers, soldiersrevivalistsfriars, mendicants, monastics, monks, oblates, religiousclergypersons, clericals, clerics, clerks, deacons, divines, dominies, ecclesiastics, ministers, preachers, priests, reverendschurchmen, clergymen, fathers, Holy Joes(slang), padresclergywomen, deaconesses, priestessesabbots, archbishops, archpriests, bishops, deans, diocesans, monsignors(or monsignori), popes, prelates, presbytersabbés, curates, curés, parsons, pastors, rectors, shepherds, vicarschaplains, confessors, sky pilotshigh priestesses, high priestsfaithfuls, loyalistsadvocates, backers, champions, supportersprotégés, scholars, studentsideologists, ideologues(also idealogues), sectariansadmirers, cultists, devotees, enthusiasts, fans, idolaters(or idolators), worshippers(or worshipers), zealotsacolytes, adherents, converts, disciples, epigones, followers, liege men, partisans(also partizans), pupils, votaries, votarists apostates, defectors, renegades, traitors, turncoatscoryphaei, leaderslaymen, laypeople, seculars(or secular)lay readers, lectors |