例句 |
moderatelyadverb to some degree or extentit was raining moderately hard outside enough, fairly, kind of, kindly(chiefly Southern), like, more or less, pretty, quite, rather, relatively, something, somewhat, sort of acceptably, decently, passably, tolerablylittle, negligibly, nominally, slightly, vaguelyhalf, halfway, incompletely, part, partially, partly, partway a bit, after a sort, a little, a mite, a tad, a touch, of sorts(or of a sort), to a degree awfully, beastly, deadly, especially, exceedingly(also exceeding), exceptionally, extremely, frightfully, greatly, heavily, highly, hugely, mightily, mortally, particularly, surpassingly, terribly, veryconsiderably, extensively, significantly, substantially in the 14th century |