

单词 rupture
例句 rupturenoun

an opening caused by the sudden tearing or breaking of somethingThe earthquake created a rupture that spanned several miles.Doctors identified a rupture in his aorta.

break, crack, fissure, fracture, rift, split, tearcut, gash, incision, laceration, notch, rent, rip, slash, slitbreach, gap, openingcheck, chink, cleft, cranny, crevicesnaggouge, groove, hollowabyss, chasm, gulf, vacuity, vacuum, voidburrow, cave, cavern, ditch, excavation, furrow, gutter, trench, troughcavity, concavity, dent, depression, dint, hole, indentation, indenture, pit, recesscanyon(also cañon), combe(also coombe or coomb, British), dell, dingle, glen, gorge, gulch, gully(also gulley), kloof(South African), ravine, rift valleyborehole, chuckhole, crater, posthole, pothole, sinkhole, wallow, water hole, wellblast, blowup, burst, bursting, detonation, eruption, explosion, outburstabrasion, score, scrape, scratchinjury, woundperforation, pinhole, pinprick, prick, punch, puncture, stab

implosionclosing, darning, filling, healing, knitting, mending, repair, patching, plugging, sealing, sewing, stitching, suturingcombination, combining, connecting, connection, consolidation, coupling, joining, junction, linking, merger, merging, unification, union, unitinghill, mound, risebump, bunch, hump, lump, pimple, swell, swelling, tumorbulge, camber, convexity, jut, projection, protrusion, protuberance

the loss of good relationsThe incident caused a diplomatic rupture between the two countries.They've been working to mend the rupture in their relationship.

bifurcation, breach, breakup, cleavage, dissolution, disunion, division, divorce, fractionalization, fractionation, partition, rift, schism, separation, severance, split, sunderingalienation, disaffection, disgruntlement, estrangement, souringantagonism, embitterment, envenominganimosity, antipathy, bitterness, hostility, jaundice, rancorfeud, vendettaaltercation, argle-bargle(chiefly British), argument, argy-bargy(chiefly British), battle royal, bicker, brawl, contretemps, controversy, cross fire, disagreement, dispute, donnybrook, falling-out, fight, hassle, imbroglio, kickup, misunderstanding, quarrel, rhubarb, row, scrap, set-to, spat, squabble, tiff, wrangleaggravation, furor, fury, incensing, indignation, infuriation, ire, outrage, rage, spleen, wrathdisenchantment, disillusionment

endearment, ingratiationappeasement, conciliation, mollification, pacification, propitiationreconcilement, reconciliationaccord, agreement, consensus, harmony, unanimityunification, unioncoalescing, fusion, integration, merging, merger


to cause to develop a hole, crack, or tear often in a sudden and forceful or violent wayShe was out for the rest of the season after she ruptured a tendon.

break, fracture, pull, rend, rift, rip, rive, tearcut, gash, incise, lacerate, notch, slash, slitpenetrate, perforate, puncturebreak down, decompose, disassemble, disintegrate, dissolvebifurcate, bisect, cleave, dichotomize, dissect, fractionalize, fractionate, halve, partition, quarter, segment, subdivide, trisectfragment, fragmentate, fragmentizedetach, disengage, disentangle, unravel, untiebreak up, decouple, disassociate, disconnect, disjoin, disjoint, dissever, dissociate, disunite, divide, divorce, part, ramify, resolve, separate, sever, split, sunder, uncouple, unlink, unyoke

fill, close, darn, heal, knit, mend, repair, patch, plug, seal, sew, stitch, sutureaccumulate, agglutinate, attach, bind, cement, fasten, fuse, stick, weldcombine, connect, consolidate, couple, join, link, merge, unify, unite

to develop a hole, crack, or tear often in a sudden and forceful or violent wayThe pipeline ruptured, leaking thousands of gallons of oil.The fault could rupture during the next major earthquake.High blood pressure caused the blood vessels to rupture.

blow, break, cleave, splitrend, rip, rive, shred, tatter, tearblow up, burst, crump, detonate, explode, go off, popfragment, shatter, smash, splinterbreak up, dissever, part, section, separate, sever, unlinkballoon, burgeon(also bourgeon), mushroomcrack, snap

implodecollapseassociate, coalesce, combine, conjoin, conjugate, connect, couple, fuse, interfuse, join, knit, link (up), marry, unify, unitemate, yokeassemble, blend, mingle, mixchain, compound, hitch, hook, splicerecombine, reconnect, rejoin, reunify, reunite

in the 15th century





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