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sacksnounpl. of sack a container made of a flexible material (as paper or plastic)asked the bagger to put all the loaves of bread in the same sack bags, pokes(chiefly Southern & Midland), pouches carryalls, portmanteaus(or portmanteaux), traveling bags, walletsbundles, packages, packets, packs, parcelsbackpacks, barracks bags, duffel bags, haversacks, knapsacks, rucksacks, satchels, toteshandbags, pocketbooks, purses, tote bagsditty bags, flight bags, garment bags, kit bags, shopping bags, work bags a place set aside for sleepingI think I'm ready to hit the sack beds, bunks, dosses(chiefly British), hays(slang), kips, lairs(British dialect), pads, racks bedsteads, futons(also futon), mattresses, palletsbunk beds, cots, couches, daybeds, feather beds, four-posters, hammocks, Murphy beds, shakedowns, sleigh beds, sofa beds, sofas, studio couches, trundle beds, water bedsbassinets, carry-cots(British), cradles, cribs sacksverb1present tense third-person singular of sackto let go from office, service, or employmenthe was sacked for showing up late once too often axes, bounces, cans, cashiers, discharges, dismisses, fires, musters out, pink-slips, releases, removes, retires, terminates, turns off downsizes, excesses, furloughs, lays off, trimsboots (out), chucks (out), drums (out), kicks out, throws out, unseatsseparates sends packing, shows (someone) the door employs, engages, hires, retains, signs (up or on), takes on keepsreemploys, rehirescontracts, subcontractsrecruits sacksverb2present tense third-person singular of sackto search through with the intent of committing robberythieves sacked the house in search of the diamond necklace despoils, loots, marauds, pillages, plunders, ransacks breaks in, burglarizes, rips off, steals (from)combs, hunts, rakes, rifles, rummagesharries, raidsravishes |