例句 |
safeguardsnounpl. of safeguard means or method of defendingwith these safeguards in place, no one should be able to break into our computers aegises(also egises), ammunitions, armors, bucklers, covers, defenses, guards, protections, screens, securities, shields, walls, wards armaments, arms, munitions, weaponries, weaponsfortresses, forts, palisades, strongholds aggressions, assaults, attacks, offenses(or offences), offensives a measure taken to preclude loss or injurysafeguards that were intended to assure our security, but not at the expense of our liberty cautions, fail-safes, palladia, precautions, preventives armors, covers, guards, protections, screens, shields, walls, wards safeguardsverbpresent tense third-person singular of safeguardto drive danger or attack away fromsheepdogs safeguard the flock from attacks by wolves bulwarks, covers, defends, fences, fends, forfends, guards, keeps, protects, screens, secures, shields, wards averts, preventsopposes, resists, withstandsbattles, contends, fights, warsconserves, preserves, savesbuffers, palisades, pickets, walls stands up for assails, assaults, attacks bombards, stormsbesets, besieges, overrunscapitulates, caves, submits, yields |