例句 |
safetynoun the state of not being exposed to dangerwe were lucky to make it to safety just as the lions broke loose from their cage at the zoo protection, safeness, security aegis(also egis), cover, defense, guardianship, wardguard, safeguard, screen, shieldasylum, harbor, haven, refuge, retreat, shelterimpregnability, impregnableness, invincibility, invincibleness, inviolability, inviolableness, invulnerability, invulnerableness danger, distress, endangerment, imperilment, jeopardy, peril, trouble hazard, risk, threatinstability, precariousnessharm's wayexposure, liability, openness, violability, vulnerability, vulnerablenesssusceptibility, susceptibleness a protective device (as on a weapon) to prevent accidental operationthe gun couldn't be fired as long as the safety was on guard fail-safelockdefense, protection, safeguard, shield in the 14th century |