例句 |
sagesnounpl. of sage a person of deep wisdom or learningthe young prince made a pilgrimage to the sage, hoping to learn the meaning of life pundits, savants, scholars seers, wise menpolyhistors, polymaths, Renaissance menbrains, eggheads, geniuses(or genii), highbrows, intellects, intellectuals, thinkers, whizzes, wizardsgurus, mahatmas, pandits, swamis, yogis(also yogins)rabbismasters, mentors, teachers blockheads, dodoes(or dodos), dolts, donkeys, dopes, dumbbells, dummies, dunces, fatheads, fools, goons, half-wits, idiots, ignoramuses(also ignorami), imbeciles, jackasses, know-nothings, morons, nincompoops, ninnies, nitwits, numskulls(or numbskulls), pinheads, simpletons, stocks, turkeys |