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flailverb to move or cause to move with a striking motionstarted to flail his arms wildly when he spied a bat in the house beat, flap, flop, flutter, whip bang, batter, buffet, knock, pound, smack, spank, thumpflick, flicker, flitfan, oscillate, sway, swingundulate, wavepalpitate, pulse, throb to strike repeatedly with something long and thin or flexiblegruesome evidence that the prisoner had been flailed birch, cowhide, flagellate, flog, hide, horsewhip, lash, leather, rawhide, scourge, slash, switch, tan, thrash, whale, whip knout, quirt, strapcutflick, touch upblackjack, cane, club, cudgel, fustigatepistol-whipbang, bop, box, bust, clap, clip, clobber, clout, crack, cuff, hit, knock, lam, paste, punch, slap, slug, smack, smite, sock, spank, swat, swipe, thwack, wallop, whackbash, baste, bat, batter, beat, belabor, belt, bludgeon, buffet, bung, drub, fib(British), hammer, lace, lambaste(or lambast), lather, lick, mangle, maul, paddle, pelt, pommel, pound, pummel, rough, slate, slog, thresh, thump, tromp, whop(or whap), whup, work over before the 12th century |