例句 |
flash pointsnounpl. of flash point a potentially explosive place or situationthat troubled region remains one of the world's most dangerous flash points a time or state of affairs requiring prompt or decisive actiontensions between the two longtime adversaries were at a flash point boiling points, breaking points, clutches, conjunctures, crises, crossroads, crunches, crunch times, Dunkirks, emergencies, exigencies, extremities, heads, junctures, tinderboxes, zero hours contingencies, possibilitiesclimaxes, turning pointshappenings, landmarks, milestonesconditions, passes, situations, straitsdeadlocks, impasses, stalematescorners, fixes, holes, hot waters, jams, last ditches, pinches, predicaments, scrapes, spotseleventh hours, last minutes moments of truth, points of no return |