例句 |
beingnoun a member of the human raceno one has the right to enslave another being baby, bird, bod(British), body, character, cookie(or cooky), creature, customer, devil, duck, egg, face, fish, guy, head, human, human being, individual, life, man, mortal, party, person, personage, scout, slob, sort, soul, specimen, stiff, thing, wight hominid, homo, humanoidbrother, fellow, fellowman, neighborcelebrity, personality, self, somebody son of man animal, beast, beastie, brute, critter one that has a real and independent existencenew parents are typically in awe at having created this separate being commodity, entity, existent, individual, individuality, integer, object, reality, something, substance, thing body, subjectmaterial, matter, quantity, stuff nonentity the quality or qualities that make a thing what it ismusic is such a large part of her being that she could never give up performing essence, essentiality, nature, quiddity, quintessence, soul, stuff, substance heart, spiritalpha and omega, center, core, keynote, marrow, pith, seatembodiment, epitome, incarnation, manifestation, personificationaspect, attribute, feature, propertygist, kernel, nub name of the game beingverbpresent participle of beto have lifestories that begin with the familiar line "once upon a time there was a beautiful maiden" breathing, existing, living, subsisting abiding, continuing, enduring, holding on, holding up, keeping (on), kicking, lasting, leading, persisting, ruling, running on, survivingmovingflourishing, prospering, thriving departing, dying, expiring, passing away, perishing, succumbing disappearing, evaporating, vanishingceasing, desisting, discontinuing, ending, quitting, stoppingabating, dying (down), ebbing, letting up, moderating, subsiding, waning to occupy a place or locationwe'll be there waiting for you bearing, lying, sitting, standing commanding, overlookinghanging around, remaining, resting, staying, sticking around, tarryingawaiting, waitingposting, stationingdwelling, residing to take or have a certain position within a group arranged in vertical classesour school's football team is first in its division grading, placing, ranking, rating, standing seedingcountingcategorizing, classifying, classing, codifying, compartmentalizing, grouping, separating, setting, sortinginstalling, instating to take placethe party is next Saturday befalling, betiding, chancing, coming, coming about, coming down, coming off, cooking, doing, going down(slang), going on, happening, happing, occurring, passing, transpiring breaking, developing, rising, shaping (up)arising, coming up, cropping (up), materializing, springing (up)interveningfalling out, following, resulting, turning outgoing off, proceeding coming to pass in the 14th century |