例句 |
tough it outphrase to put up with (something painful or difficult)I know you feel sick, but can you tough it out until the end of your work shift? abide, absorb, accept, bear, bide(chiefly dialect), brook, countenance, endure, go, hack, handle, meet, pocket, stand, stick out, stomach, support, sustain, sweat out, take, tolerate, wear(British) allow, permit, suffer, swallowreconcile (to)acquiesce, agree (with or to), assent (to), capitulate, consent (to), respect, submit (to), yield (to) live with, lump (it), stand for decline, dismiss, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn, turn downcombat, contest, fight, oppose, resistavoid, bypass, circumvent, dodge, elude, escape, evade, missabstain (from), forbear, refrain (from) |