例句 |
moment of truthphrase a time or state of affairs requiring prompt or decisive actionThe hours that the coach devoted to having the team practice the play proved worthwhile when the moment of truth arrived. boiling point, breaking point, clutch, conjuncture, crisis, crossroad(s), crunch, crunch time, Dunkirk, emergency, exigency, extremity, flash point, head, juncture, tinderbox, zero hour contingency, possibilityclimax, turning pointhappening, landmark, milestonecondition, pass, situation, straitdeadlock, impasse, stalematecorner, fix, hole, hot water, jam, last ditch, pinch, predicament, scrape, spoteleventh hour, last minute point of no return a particular and often important moment in timeIt was a moment of truth for the contestants as they waited to hear the winner's name called. juncture beat, crack, flash, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, minute, moment, nanosecond, point, second, shake, split second, tick, trice, twinkle, winkbit, spell, stretch, whilebrink, cusp, nick, threshold, vergecrisis, crunch time, wire in 1932 |