例句 |
momentsnounpl. of moment a particular point at which an event takes placeat that moment he suddenly turned around and headed toward me occasions, times flashes, instants, jiffies, minutes, seconds, shakes, split seconds, trices, twinkles, winksbits, spaces, spells, stretches, whiles a very small space of timeI'll be there in just a moment beats, eyeblinks, flashes, heartbeats, instants, jiffies, jiffs, minutes, nanoseconds, New York minutes, seconds, shakes, split seconds, trices, twinkles, twinklings, winks microsecondssnatches, spurts aeons(or eons), ages, eternities, foreversinfinities, lifetimes the time currently existing or in progressI'm not doing anything at the moment here and nows, nows, presents, todays phases, stages, states histories, pasts, yesterdays, yesteryears, yoresby-and-bys, futures, futurities, hereafters, offings, tomorrows |