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monarchnoun one who rules over a people with a sole, supreme, and usually hereditary authoritythe ruling monarch of Britain at that time was Queen Elizabeth I autocrat, potentate, ruler, sovereign(also sovran) corulerCaesar, czar(also tsar or tzar), emir(or amir also ameer), emperor, empress, kaiser, khan, khedive, king, lord, mikado, mogul, prince, queen, satrap, shah, sultan, suzerainauthoritarian, Big Brother, despot, dictator, führer(or fuehrer), monocrat, overlord, paramount, tyrant a person of rank, power, or influence in a particular fieldthe glitzy gala was attended by most of the reigning monarchs of the recording industry baron, captain, czar(also tsar or tzar), king, lion, lord, magnate, mogul, Napoleon, prince, tycoon big boy, big cheese, bigfoot, biggie, big gun, big shot, big wheel, bigwig, fat cat, figure, heavy, heavyweight, honcho, kahuna, main man, mover and shaker, nabob, nawab, notable, personage, pooh-bah(also poo-bah), supremo(chiefly British), VIPcelebrity, personality, star, superstardeity, demigod, god half-pint, lightweight, small-timerinferior, subordinate, underlingnobody, nothing, zero in the 15th century |