例句 |
monarchynoun a system of government in which there is only one ruler whose power is unlimitedUnder a monarchy, the position of ruler is often passed down from parent to child. monarchism, monocracyabsolutism, autarchy, authoritarianism, autocracy, Caesarism, czarism(also tsarism or tzarism), despotism, dictatorship, totalism, totalitarianism, tyranny democracy, self-governance, self-government, self-rulefreedom, self-determinationautonomy, sovereignty(also sovranty) a group of people who live in a territory ruled by a single personThe country was formerly a monarchy, but has now transitioned to a republic. democracy, dictatorship, monocracy, oligarchy, sovereign(also sovran), theocracycity-state, microstate, ministate, nation-statedomain, dominion, empire, kingdom, realm, republiccommonwealth, country, land, nation, sovereignty(also sovranty), stateduchy, dukedom, emirate, principality, seigniory(or seignory), sultanateclient state, colony, condominium, dependency, mandate, province, settlement, soil, trust territoryfatherland, homeland, motherlandgreat power, power, sea power, superpower, world powerwelfare state in the 15th century |