例句 |
typenoun a number of persons or things that are grouped together because they have something in commonwhat type of people do you generally hang out with? breed, class, description, feather, genre, ilk, kidney, kind, like, manner, nature, order, sort, species, strain, stripe, variety modelsample, specimenbracket, bunch, category, division, family, grade, group, grouping, lot, persuasion, rank(s), set, suite one of the units into which a whole is divided on the basis of a common characteristica music store that has a good selection of all types of music, not just pop, rock, and rap bracket, category, class, classification, division, family, genus, grade, group, kind, league, order, rank(s), rubric, set, species, tier description, feather, ilk, kidney, like, manner, nature, sortbranch, section, speciality, specialty, subclass, subdivision, subgroup, subspecies, varietybreed, racegenerationheading, label, title typeverbto arrange or assign according to typetype the birds by geographical range assort, break down, categorize, class, classify, codify, compartment, compartmentalize, digest, distinguish, distribute, grade, group, peg, place, range, rank, relegate, separate, sort array, dispose, draw up, marshal(also marshall), order, organize, systematizealphabetize, catalog(or catalogue), file, index, list, referpigeonhole, shelveidentify, recognizecull, screen, set, sieve, sift, winnowclump, cluster, colligaterecategorize, reclassify, regroupsubcategorize confuse, disarrange, jumble, lump, mix (up), scramblemisclassify, missort, mistype n.type, kind, sort, nature, description, character mean a number of individuals thought of as a group because of a common quality or qualities.type may suggest strong and clearly marked similarity throughout the items included so that each is typical of the group.one of three basic body types kind may suggest natural grouping.a zoo seemingly having animals of every kind sort often suggests some disparagement.the sort of newspaper dealing in sensational stories nature may imply inherent, essential resemblance rather than obvious or superficial likenesses.two problems of a similar nature description implies a group marked by agreement in all details belonging to a type as described or defined.not all acts of that description are actually illegal character implies a group marked by distinctive likenesses peculiar to the type.research on the subject so far has been of an elementary character in the 15th century |