例句 |
bewildermentsnounpl. of bewilderment a state of mental uncertaintythe slightest change in her daily routine leaves her in complete bewilderment bafflements, bamboozlements, befuddlements, bemusements, confusions, discombobulations, distractions, fogs, head-scratchings, mazes(chiefly dialect), muddles, mystifications, perplexities, puzzlements, tangles, whirls abashments, discomfitures, disconcertments, embarrassments, mortificationsagitations, chagrins, discomforts, dismays, disquiets, distresses, disturbances, perturbations, upsetsbothers, commotions, dithers, flurries, flusters, fusses, stews, turmoils assurances, certainties, certitudes, confidences, convictions |