例句 |
bewitcherynoun the power to control natural forces through supernatural meanswould have thought that only an act of bewitchery could make snow fall in Florida, but the state has a history of modest snow accumulations bewitchment, conjuring, devilry(or deviltry), diablerie, enchantment, ensorcellment, magic, mojo, necromancy, sorcery, thaumaturgy, voodooism, witchcraft, witchery, wizardry abracadabra, amulet, charm, fetish(also fetich), mascot, periapt, phylactery, talismanconjuration, glamour(also glamor), incantation, spellcurse, hex, jinxaugury, crystal gazing, divination, divining, forecasting, foreknowing, foreseeing, foretelling, fortune-telling, predicting, presaging, prognosticating, prophesying, soothsaying, sortilegehexerei, hoodoo, occultism, spiritualismaugur, omenexorcismalchemy science |