例句 |
beyondadverb at or to a greater distance or more advanced pointthe dream that someday we will journey to the outer reaches of our solar system and beyond farther, further, yon, yonder beyondnoununending existence after deathwho knows how we'll fare in the beyond? beyondprepositionon or to the farther side ofthe arrow flew beyond the fence and into the woods over, past outside on the far side of inside out of the reach or sphere ofalthough the town has ordinances against public drunkenness, any degree of intoxication under your own roof is beyond their authority outside, outside of, without except(also excepting) within inside in addition tobeyond the asking price of the house, there's also the cost of fixing up this "handyman's dream" as well as, beside, besides, over and above plusincluding along with, at that, together with except(also excepting)less, minus, wanting before the 12th century |