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expectverb to believe in the future occurrence of (something)we expect their arrival late this afternoon anticipate, await, hope (for), watch (for) bank on, count (on or upon), depend (on or upon), rely (on or upon), wait (for)envisage, envision, foreseeforetell, predict, prophesyassume, presume, presupposecontemplate, eye, view look for, look forward to doubt, question expect, hope, look mean to await some occurrence or outcome.expect implies a high degree of certainty and usually involves the idea of preparing or envisioning.expects to be finished by Tuesday hope implies little certainty but suggests confidence or assurance in the possibility that what one desires or longs for will happen.hopes to find a job soon look, with to, implies assurance that expectations will be fulfilledlooks to a tidy profit from the sale ; with for it implies less assurance and suggests an attitude of expectancy and watchfulness.look for rain when the wind shifts to the northeast in 1560 |