例句 |
flood tidesnounpl. of flood tide a great flow of water or of something that overwhelmsthe flood tide of criticism that the company received alluvions, baths, cataclysms, cataracts, deluges, floods, inundations, Niagaras, overflows, spates, torrents currents, rivers, streams, tidescloudbursts, discharges, flushes, gushes, outflows, outpouringsfluxes, inflows, influxesengulfments, washoutsavalanches, blizzardscascades, waterfallsexcesses, gluts, overabundances, overages, overkills, overmuch, oversupplies, superabundances, superfluities, surfeits, surpluses droughts(also drouths) dribbles, drips, trickles |