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expedientadjective suitable for bringing about a desired result under the circumstancesmade the expedient decision to sell the land to whomever offered the most money advisable, desirable, judicious, politic, prudent, tactical, wise advantageous, beneficial, profitableuseful, utilitarianfeasible, possible, practicable, practicalopportune, seasonable, timelyopportunistic, self-seeking impolitic, imprudent, inadvisable, inexpedient, injudicious, unwise impractical, profitless, unfeasible, unprofitableinopportune, unseasonable, untimely expedientnouna temporary replacementif you're a spectator caught without rainwear at a sporting event, then a plastic garbage bag makes an acceptable, if unfashionable, expedient makeshift, stopgap quick fixrecourse, refuge, resortalternate, backup, standby, stand-in, substitute, understudy an action planned or taken to achieve a desired resulthe vowed to use any expedient available to get the project done on time means, measure, move, shift, step act, action, deed, doing, feat, thingcourse, procedure, proceeding, processaccomplishment, achievement, attainment, coup, exploit, success, triumphactivity, affair, business, dealing, enterprise, eventattempt, crack, endeavor, essay, fling, go, initiative, operation, pass, shot, stab, trial, try, undertaking, whackeffort, exertion, labor, pains, trouble, while, workproject, proposal, propositionmakeshift, resort, resource, stopgapcountermeasure, countermove, counterstep something that one uses to accomplish an end especially when the usual means is not availablesince there wasn't a single bandage left in our backpacks, we had to use a bandanna, our only expedient recourse, resort, resource hope, opportunity, possibility, reliefmakeshift, replacement, stopgap, substitute adj.expedient, politic, advisable mean dictated by practical or prudent motives.expedient usually implies what is immediately advantageous without regard for ethics or consistent principles.a politically expedient decision politic stresses judiciousness and tactical value but usually implies some lack of candor or sincerity.a politic show of interest advisable applies to what is practical, prudent, or advantageous but lacks the derogatory implication of expedient and politic.sometimes it's advisable to say nothing n.resource, resort, expedient, shift, makeshift, stopgap mean something one turns to in the absence of the usual means or source of supply.resource and resort apply to anything one falls back upon.exhausted all of their resources a last resort expedient may apply to any device or contrivance used when the usual one is not at hand or not possible.a flimsy expedient shift implies a tentative or temporary imperfect expedient.desperate shifts to stave off foreclosure makeshift implies an inferior expedient adopted because of urgent need or allowed through indifference.old equipment employed as a makeshift stopgap applies to something used temporarily as an emergency measure.a new law intended only as a stopgap in the 14th century |