例句 |
expedientsnounpl. of expedient a temporary replacementif you're a spectator caught without rainwear at a sporting event, then a plastic garbage bag makes an acceptable, if unfashionable, expedient makeshifts, stopgaps quick fixesrecourses, refuges, resortsalternates, backups, standbys, stand-ins, substitutes, understudies an action planned or taken to achieve a desired resulthe vowed to use any expedient available to get the project done on time means, measures, moves, shifts, steps actions, acts, deeds, doings, feats, thingscourses, procedures, proceedings, processesaccomplishments, achievements, attainments, coups, exploits, successes, triumphsactivities, affairs, businesses, dealings, enterprises, eventsattempts, cracks, endeavors, essays, flings, goes, initiatives, operations, passes, shots, stabs, trials, tries, undertakings, whacksefforts, exertions, labors, pains, troubles, whiles, worksprojects, proposals, propositionsmakeshifts, resorts, resources, stopgapscountermeasures, countermoves(or counter-moves), countersteps(or counter-steps) something that one uses to accomplish an end especially when the usual means is not availablesince there wasn't a single bandage left in our backpacks, we had to use a bandanna, our only expedient recourses, resorts, resources hopes, opportunities, possibilities, reliefsmakeshifts, replacements, stopgaps, substitutes |