例句 |
unanimousadjective having or marked by agreement in feeling or actiona unanimous vote to upgrade the school's computer facilities agreeable, amicable, compatible, congenial, frictionless, harmonious, kindred, united pacific, peaceable, peacefulcollaborating, cooperative, symbiotic, synergetic, synergicnoncompetitive, nonconflicting, uncompetitivesympathetic, tolerant, understandingaffable, amiable, cordial, friendly, genial, neighborly disagreeable, discordant, disharmonious, disunited, incompatible, inharmonious, uncongenial antagonistic, antipathetic, clashing, conflicting, hostile, inimical, unfriendlybelligerent, contentious, quarrelsomecontradicting, contradictory, contrary, opposing, oppositecompeting, competitive, rivaling(or rivalling) in 1621 |