例句 |
unanswerableadjective not capable of being challenged or proved wrongthe unanswerable assertion that she didn't know much about art but she knew what she liked accomplished, certain, inarguable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, irrefragable, irrefutable, positive, sure, unarguable, unchallengeable, undeniable, unquestionable unambiguous, unequivocalabsolute, clear, conclusive, decisive, definite, hands-downuncontested, uncontradicted, undisputed, unquestioned answerable, arguable, contradictable, controvertible, debatable, disputable, doubtable, moot, negotiable, problematic(also problematical), questionable, refutable controversial, debated, disputeddoubtful, dubious, iffy, inconclusive, indecisive, uncertainambiguous, equivocalacademic(also academical), hypothetical, speculative, theoretical(also theoretic) in 1613 |