例句 |
unappeasableadjective incapable of being satisfiedit turned out that the public's appetite for sadistic horror movies was not unappeasable after all inappeasable, inextinguishable, insatiable, insatiate, quenchless, unquenchable, unslakable unappeased, unsatisfiedavid, rapacious, ravenous, voraciousdemanding, exigent, importunate, insistent, urgentclamorous, crying, pressing, yearning appeasable, extinguishable, satiable, satisfiable satiate, satiated, satisfiedcontrolled, curbed, restrained showing no signs of slackening or yielding in one's purposewarned that the nation was dealing with an unappeasable enemy determined, dogged, grim, implacable, relentless, unflinching, unrelenting, unyielding persevering, persistent, tenacioushard, hardheaded, headstrong, intractable, mulish, obdurate, opinionated, peevish, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, self-willed, stubborn, uncooperative, willful(or wilful)merciless, ruthless, unforgiving slackening, softening, yieldingimpotent, invertebrate, slack, spineless, weakcomplaisant, obliging, pliable, pliant in 1561 |