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unawareadjective not informed about or aware of somethingshe was unaware of the change in travel plans clueless, ignorant, incognizant, innocent, insensible, nescient, oblivious, unacquainted, unconscious, uninformed, unknowing, unmindful, unwitting uneducated, unschooled, untaughtabsent, absentminded, abstracted, heedless, inattentive, inconscient in the dark acquainted, aware, cognizant, conscious, conversant, grounded, informed, knowing, mindful, witting au courant, hip, plugged-in, up-to-dateeducated, knowledgeable, schooled, taughtheedful, observantsensitive, sentient unawareadverbwithout warningthe predawn attack took the airmen completely unaware aback, suddenly, unanticipatedly, unawares, unexpectedly abruptly, shortamazingly, astoundingly, surprisingly all of a sudden, off base laggardly, leisurely, pokily, slowly, sluggishly, tardilyobviously in 1581 |