例句 |
salvonoun a rapid or overwhelming outpouring of many things at onceattacked the manager with a salvo of complaints before she even managed to say "hello" barrage, blitz, blitzkrieg, bombardment, cannonade, drumbeat, drumfire, flurry, fusillade, hail, shower, storm, volley broadside, earfulavalanche, burst, cataclysm, cataract, deluge, discharge, engulfment, flood, flood tide, flush, gush, inundation, outburst, outflow, outpouring, overflow, rash, spate, surge, torrentcurrent, river, stream, tideexcess, glut, overabundance, overage, overkill, overmuch, oversupply, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surplus dribble, drip, trickle in 1591 |