例句 |
sanctificationnoun the act of making something holy through religious ritualthe sacred site required another sanctification after it had been defiled by the invaders blessing, consecration, hallowing purificationdedicationadoration, glorification, reverence, veneration, worship debasement, defilement, desecration, impiety, irreverence, profanation, sacrilege the act or fact of freeing from sin or moral guiltthe Christian belief that the suffering and death of Jesus was responsible for the sanctification of all humankind cleansing, purification rebirth, regeneration, restorationgrace, redemption, salvationabsolution, forgiveness, remissionacquittal, clearance, clearing, exoneration, vindicationatonement, expiation blasphemy, defilement, desecration, profanation, violationcorruption, debasement, perversioncontamination, pollution, sullying, tarnishing in the 14th century |