例句 |
sanctuarynoun a place that is considered sacred (as within a religion)by law, anyone who sought refuge in a religious sanctuary was safe from arrest by the civil authorities something (as a building) that offers cover from the weather or protection from dangerthe marshland has been set aside as a sanctuary for shorebirds along that section of the coast asylum, bolt-hole(chiefly British), harbor, harborage, haven, refuge, retreat, sanctum, shelter oasisanchorage, mooring, portcover, screenabode, diggings, domicile, dwelling, habitation, house, housing, lodging, lodgment(or lodgement), pad, place, quarters, residence, rest, roofcloister, closet, covert, den, hermitage, hideaway, hideout, laircastle, fastness, fort, fortress, palisade, redoubt, strongholdlean-to, lee, shed, windbreak in the 14th century |