例句 |
big boysnounpl. of big boy one of high position or importance within a groupwhen she became the network's White House correspondent, she knew that she was now playing with the big boys big cheeses, bigfeet(or bigfoots), biggies, big guns, big leaguers, bigs, big shots, big-timers, big wheels, bigwigs, fat cats, heavies, heavy hitters, heavyweights, high-muck-a-mucks(or high-muckety-mucks), honchos, kahunas, kingfish, kingpins, major leaguers, muckety-mucks(also muck-a-mucks or mucky-mucks), nabobs, nawabs, nibs, nobs(chiefly British), pooh-bahs(also poo-bahs), wheels barons, czars(also tsars or tzars), kings, lions, magnates, moguls, princes, princesses, queens, tycoonsVIPs lightweights, nobodies, nonentities, shrimp(or shrimps), twerps, whippersnappers, zeros(also zeroes), zilches inferiors, subordinates, underlingsmediocrities, obscurities |